Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pennies from Mars

Problem: What makes a penny turn green?

Materials: 1 small saucer, 1 paper towel, vinegar, and several pennies

Procedure: 1. Fold a paper towel in half once; then fold it in half again to make a square.
2. Place the towel on the saucer. Pour vinegar into the saucer so that the towel is completely wet.
3. Place the pennies on top of the paper towel.
4. Observe the pennies after 24 hours.

What will happen to the pennies?

Results: The tops of the pennies turn green.

Conclusion: Vinegar is an acid, which is a chemical. A chemical reaction occurs when this acid combines with the copper penny. A new substance called copper acetate, the green coating on the pennies, is formed.

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